Monthly Archives: November 2017

Talk on Global Warming and Human Rights on 9 December 2017

Talk on global warming and human rights sponsored by United Nations Association

Dear friends,
The United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee is sponsoring a free presentation entitled “Global warming and Human Rights – The Greatest Injustices in the History of the Planet”.  The talk is being given by Dr. George Stone (a retired geology professor who taught weather, climate science, energy, earth science and geology) on Saturday, Dec. 9, 10 a.m. – noon at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 631 N. 19th Street (rear entrance), Milwaukee.  For more information contact
Debbie Metke –

Milwaukee Baha’i Feast on 16 December 2017

Dear Friends:

You are warmly invited to come together to celebrate the 19-Day Feast. Milwaukee continues to hold Feasts on a weekend so that more Baha’is can attend. We have been blessed that so many of you have come to recent events.

Feast of Masa’il (Questions) will be celebrated on Saturday Dec. 16th at 1pm at the home of Gloria Oatis.

For more information about the above events, please email the Milwaukee Baha’i Assembly at